Version 1.0 - Release is live; this is a complete game now.

After your car breaks down on your drive home from college, you find yourself stranded in the endless grain fields of the middle of nowhere. When you stumble across a farm, you think you might be saved, but the mysterious owner, Faye, seems to have other plans for you. Can you escape before you become a permanent resident of her barn?

Faye's Donkey Farm is an HTML based text adventure game where you have to find a way to escape from the farm or be turned into a donkey in many myriad ways. The game currently features over 30 different game overs and four endings.

Planned future content for future updates includes:

- Revisiting and polishing existing areas

- Text and Syntax polish pass

- More nuanced escape endings

Current Version: Release 1.1.00

Farmland Release 1.1.00

- Fixed the link for reviewing the "Treats and a Show" ending

- Adjusted ending scenes for "Scene and Herd" to play the full versions of their game overs including ear and tail growth to be consistent with other ending scenes

- Added the ability to toggle Donkey Brain value and donkey ears and tail on and off in the ending list to see the different versions of the endings

-- Not all endings have unique endings for every setting, as several require having ears, a tail, a specific donkey brain value, or a mix of them to access

- Added a Debug Menu

-- The only Debug Command currently is to unlock all endings; feel free to make use of it if you just want to see them all. As long as you don't save, it won't overwrite current unlock progress

--- That said, feel free to save if you just want to be able to revisit all endings whenever, I'm not judging how you enjoy your single player gaming experiences

Farmland Release 1.01

- Added graphics to the title page

- Added Ending List with hints to find them and links to revisit them

-- The ending list includes hints for each ending if you want some guidence, and this includes an additional option to reveal spell syntax for spellcasting endings, if you'd rather not try to solve them yourself

- Revised early game barn scene to expedite donkey brain growth before meeting Faye

-- This should help with unlocking endings that require a non-zero donkey brain before meeting her for the first time

- Added a new ending related to braying too much

- Some spelling and syntax improvement

Farmland Beta 1.07.1 - Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug where certain ending flags were not reset on game Restart

Patch History:

Farmland Beta 1.07

Bug Fixes and Changes -

- Fixed an exploit where you could use the examine self high donkey brain scene to escape other ending scenes

- Sped up and clarified the link reveal when attempting to cross the field to make it more obvious something is there

- Added a new wandering encounter with Faye at the truck, leading to a new ending

- Added a second layer of guidance to the spellbook; reading it a few more times will now unlock tips that reveal two words that are in a spell together, with a stock response if you're missing one of the words

- Some polish and expansion with some descriptions and text, nothing major, just here and there as I work towards polishing in general

Farmland Beta 1.06

Bug Fixes and changes -

- Fixed state during first meeting with Faye where it was possible to permanently disable game saves

- Re-added the ability to bray once a certain level of donkey brain is achieved, this adds more donkey brain, so please enjoy responsibly

- It is no longer possible to find the rusty key repeatedly

- Added an additional save slot to ease some issues with being unable to go back as permissively as some people would prefer

- Added more guidance to the spellbook; reading it a few times will now allow a better understanding of the words within, making it easier to deduce their function

- Expanded the Examine Self feature, adding several stages of descriptions for the player's changes as they become more of an ass in mind and body

The game is currently meant to be free, but if you enjoy it and feel like donating, thank you and I very much appreciate it.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(18 total ratings)
AuthorBlack Robed Mage
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
Tagsdonkey, farm, transformation


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Farmland_Zip 1_1_00 - 242 kB
Farmland_Zip 1_01 - 239 kB
FayeTitle.png 6.1 kB
Farmland_Beta 1_05.html 711 kB
Farmland - Beta 1_06.html 720 kB
Farmland - Beta 1_07.html 733 kB
Farmland - Beta 1_07_1.html 733 kB

Development log


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Do you plan to add an update or is there a paid platform where you publish more similar content?

This is the final version of Faye's Donkey Farm. It is a complete game as is and I learned a lot about using Twine and game design in general while working on it. I don't plan to make a more complex or longer paid version anywhere in the future.

The new game I'm working on, Space Station HABITAT, will be more of a complete game in time, and depending on how it develops, might have a full paid version at some point.

Wohoooo now I'm looking forward to it

Deleted 38 days ago

Ending 25 is a particularly specific one to unlock, but here are those specifics to help you out:

Ending 25: Can't Stop the Show

- Start game and go to the farmhouse

- Eat nothing and tell Faye you are finished

- Let Faye dote on you until you have a tail, then run away

- Go to the Edge of the Farm and "Continue Through the Wheat" four times

- Go to the Fairy and complete the quiz

- Ask about tail control, then return to the farm

- Bray four times, Bray Forcefully once

- Go to the Barn (Outside) until Faye shows up

- Show Faye what you've learned

- Get on all fours

- Resist Showing off

- Show Off Uncontrollably

I'm glad you've been so engaged as to find every ending, I take that as a compliment.

Deleted 304 days ago
(1 edit)


Thank you.

How do you get ending 32? I can't figure out how to be 'boring' in that scene

Sorry for missing this question; you'll want to go to the fae with as low a donkey brain as possible, answer all the questions like a human, and then bray in a very boring, human way, and then you'll be offered the chance to play one more game with the fae.

Do it.

I've managed to get all but one ending by myself, which I'm pretty happy with, but the last one is eluding me and I can't quite figure out how to get to it: Ending 25, Can't Stop the Show.

I've managed to get Ending 26, Enthusiastic Entertainer, so I know the general thrust, but every time I think I've gotten an idea of how to get Ending 25? Nope, time for Ending 26 instead. I know I'm missing something, but for the life of me I can't figure out what; just about everything I've thought of has either been Ending 26 again (like getting a lot of donkey brain) or not enough for anything (a lower stage of control? Couldn't find Faye. Not enough donkey brain? MC bolts rather than loses control).

Could I ask for, if not just outright what it is I'm missing, at least a hint towards it?

Sei gegrüßt, 

hab eine Frage.

In Faye`s Schlafzimmer, wo man Ihren Schrank durchsucht, ist ja eine Schublade verschlossen, kann man für diese Schublade einen Zauberspruch finden und was würde man darin finden ? Wäre es abhänig vom Grand des Eselverstandes was man selber hat

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Sorry for missing this,

The drawer in Faye's room can not be unlocked, it's there to make the dresser feel more complete as a piece of furniture.

Google Translation to German:

Tut mir leid, dass ich diesen Kommentar übersehen habe,

Die Schublade in Fayes Zimmer lässt sich nicht aufschließen, sie dient dazu, dass die Kommode als Möbelstück vollständiger wirkt.


Hab noch ezwei Fragen.

Ist es möglich mit einen etwas hohen Eselverstan im Stall von den zwei Eselinen verführt zu werden, durch die Feromone die die Eselinen verströmen, so das man zu Ihnen in den Stall mit rein gehen wil, um ganz nah bei ihnen zu sein oder geht das nicht wegen keine Altersbeschrängung von über 18 Jahren ?

Und ist was erotisches mit Faye noch im Rahmen des möglichen ?

Und kann man durch einen Zauberspruch mit von der Farm fliehen und benötigt nicht den LKW dazu ?

Hab soweit fast alle gescheiderten Versuche der Flucht von der Farm zusammen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


This game is rated for all ages, so there is no explicit adult content in it. The extent of things is the playful desire to be with the donkeys. Faye has no erotic scenes, as she sees the player as one of her pet donkeys and nothing more.

The truck is the only method of escape from the farm.

Google Translation to deutsche:

Dieses Spiel ist für alle Altersgruppen geeignet und enthält daher keine expliziten Inhalte für Erwachsene. Das Ausmaß der Dinge ist der spielerische Wunsch, mit den Eseln zusammen zu sein. Faye hat keine erotischen Szenen, da sie den Spieler als einen ihrer Lieblingsesel sieht und nichts weiter.

Der Pritschenwagen ist die einzige Fluchtmöglichkeit vom Bauernhof.

Hallo,  es ist ein sehr gutes Game, welches mich sehr gut anspricht und etwas mit hilft Englisch zu lernen mit Übersetzer.    Finde das Thema Transformation richtig klasse.

Hab aber ein paar Fragen, hab sehr viele Endings nun ausgelöst, aber wie bkommt man zu den Erfolgreichen Fluchtvarianten 2, 3, 4  und wie bekommt man  das " Ending 5: Barn Appeal Hint
Let Faye sell you on barn with enough donkey brain to find it appealing " ausgelöst ?

Hab auch zwei versteckte Zaubersprüche gefunden, richtig genjal gemacht :)

Danke ^_^

English: For the additional endings, simply escape with a higher level of donkey brain; they fall into bands so bray or talk to the donkeys in the barn to increase it, then escape. 

For Barn Appeal: 

- Raise your donkey level until you can Bray Forcefully

- Enter the Farmhouse and eat all three things (Sugar Cubes should be offered)

- My Name Isn't Jack

- Focus and Protest

- Barn? (has braying in it)

That should get you to that ending.

Thank you again for the compliments, I'm happy you are able to use it to help study English.

Deutsch (Google translate): Für die zusätzlichen Enden entkommen Sie einfach mit einem höheren Level an Eselshirn; Sie sind in Gruppen unterteilt. Sprechen Sie also mit den Eseln im Stall (Greet the Donkey), um die Anzahl zu erhöhen, und fliehen Sie dann.

So erhalten Sie eine Scheunenbeschwerde:

- Erhöhe die Stufe deines Esels, bis du kraftvoll schreien kannst (Bray Forcefully)

- Betreten Sie das Bauernhaus und essen Sie alle drei Dinge (Zuckerwürfel sollten angeboten werden)

- Mein Name ist nicht Jack

- Fokus und Protest

- Scheune? (hat Geschrei darin)

Das sollte Sie zu diesem Ende bringen.

Nochmals vielen Dank für die Komplimente. Ich freue mich, dass Sie es zum Englischlernen nutzen können.

Vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe, hab den

For Barn Appeal: Dank Deiner hilfe geschaft.  Danke  :)

Mal noch eine Frage. Gibt es noch weitere versteckte Zaubersprüche ?  Hab noch zwei weitere gefunden, also einmal wie man einen neuen Zündschlüssel bekommt um den Truck zu starten und einen zweiten, den ich mit dem Titel " Was Faye über die Mensch denkt " gegeben.  " Muns - Tempus - Fau " 

Gibt es noch weitere versteckte Zaubersprüche ?

There are ten spells total, some are harder to find than others. In the next update, I'll include a debug menu to open up endings so people can see everything.

Google Translation to Deutsch: 

Es gibt insgesamt zehn Zaubersprüche, einige sind schwerer zu finden als andere. Im nächsten Update werde ich ein Debug-Menü einbinden, um Endungen zu öffnen, damit die Leute alles sehen können.


I quite enjoyed this, thanks!

Will you be doing more of these in the future?

Curious to see what other creatures could be tackled in a similar fashion


This is really interesting, but unfortunately the trial and error of the spellbook kinda ruins it for me. A better indication of the list of spells available would be nice?

Also i'm having problems where having visited the fae and gotten ending 7 means I can't get the sugar cube ending, even if I'm in another run.


Intersting, I'll make a note and take a look at this later, thanks for the report.


I'm iterating on the spellbook each patch; I'm not happy with where it is, but I want it to remain a puzzle, so I'm going in small steps to add and improve hinting with each patch.

Most fun I've had with an interactive story in a while. :D

Awesome, glad you enjoyed it.

- Fixed an exploit where you could use the examine self high donkey brain scene to escape other ending scenes

Aaw no more stumbling to escape endings :(

Removing exploits, I'm a real game dev now ^_^

Not yet, don't you know, that real game devs by removing that exploit would have caused 2 or 3 other bugs to pop up!


Like that! Smh doing your job too well! :P

I really liked this game. The transformations were very well narrated.

For some possible improvements, I would like to be able to see how many endings I have found, and how many are left. I think I have found most of them, but it is difficult to keep track.

The following contains some spoilers.

The third missing word was quite difficult to find, mostly because there isn't much reason to wait for something to happen, an I often would click away quickly trying to find it.

I specially liked the interaction with the fairy. It felt like the part where you are most at risk of a transformation.

The word combinations were quite difficult to guess. I totally did not cheat by looking at the page source to find them.

Is there an ending in which you escape untouched? I have not found any yet.( Not that I would want that to happen, but I'm curious.)


Thank you so much for the compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed my work.

I am planning on an ending list / tracker of some variety, but it will likely come with an overall revision of ending numbers, as currently they're numbered in the order I put them in, not the order you're most likely to encounter them, so you can actually hit something like Ending 31 way faster than Ending 6.

The fairy encounter is meant to be a hidden event, as it, and the word you can learn from it, are not required to escape the farm and get a good ending. I've already reduced the time to start the text leading to the event, and might reduce it further or rewrite it to better hint that you should wait for something to happen. It's tricky because I like that it's hidden and the endings the word can lead to are some of the wilder ones.

I really like the fairy interactions, they're fun characters to write; did you try going back to the fairy after you've already met them once?

The word combinations are another area where I go back and forth on how much to expose and how to do it; I added a better guide for what each word does to help with that, but I'll still tinker with it more. I do like that some of the combinations, namely the ones that lead directly to endings, are pretty hidden, so it's a delicate process to surface more info.

There is an ending where you escape without any changes at all, which can be achieved by just speed running only what you have to do, as well as a couple other ways that reduce your donkey brain levels in some way.

Thanks again for the feedback and compliments, I'm glad you had fun.


i've gotten endings 0, 2, 3, 4 and 5, how do i get ending 1?

To achieve ending 1, you need to have a really high donkey brain level before you enter the farmhouse for the first time. The safest way to do that is to bray a bunch before going in; if you already have a really high level and go to the silo or graze, you'll get pushed over the edge.

thanks, i was able to find 25 and 32 as well, is there one that involves gender swap?

There is indeed a single ending (so far) where you wind up a cute jenny instead of a handsome jack, and it involves being incredibly uninteresting to someone around the outskirts of the farm.

could i have another hint?

Of course. The event you're looking for starts at the Edge of the Farm after you've met Faye at least once, but still have low donkey brain.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game! Really well written! Though there are some bugs I encountered.(At least if they aren't intended)

-The save button disappears after you go into the farmhouse.

-The examine self button is only found at the start.

Other than that the only thing I found hard was the book. I managed to use it by randomly clicking on the words.

Maybe write the meaning of the words somewhere in the game.


Thank you for your feedback and kind words. As to your bugs;

- The save button vanishing is a known issue and will be fixed in the patch I'm working on now.

- The examine self button was stubbed in early, so it doesn't have much meat to it yet, but I am working on implementation later on

- The book, as noted in several comments, is the hardest thing to deduce, as it's basically trial and error / moon logic. The next patch will have a bit more optional guidance for players that should alleviate things a bit.

Thanks again for the reply, it is very much appreciated.


I am very lost on how to progress to any "good" ending. I obtained the rusty key, and 2 mystery words for the book, but there seems to be nothing else to interact with other than loosing.

Thank you for the feedback on where you're stuck; I'll describe in more detail as this paragraph goes on if you want to get back to it (I can't find a spoiler tag). The answer is in the book, and is a three part spell. The one you need to obtain is in the toolbox in the shed, and goes along with a word related to the fairies and a word to make the spell permanent.

The actual spell words you need to go with are Aturns, Fau, and Retru. The conceptual spell is that you are reverting the fae magic that has rusted over the key. If you instead do Tempus - Fau - Retru, it only temporarily fixes the key. Thank you again for the feedback, as the spellbook was where I expected the most confusion.

Fairies? I never encountered any fairies. Also, I think I'm at the same progress wall this guy is at.

I found all three missing words for the book but can't figure out what order to use them in


The book is an area I'm still unsure about how much to guide the player. It's probably more than now. As it is, it's largely trial and error, though the words themselves are a kind of faux Latin, so once you get an idea what they do, it should be consistent. Additionally, most spells are three words long, with a couple four, a couple two, and one five. Finally, order doesn't matter for spells, only the words selected.

If any of this is helpful in figuring out spells, let me know and I'll work to better integrate them into the game itself.

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.

yea maybe im kinda dumb but i am only getting a couple of the word combos


You're not; the book is definitely where I expected the most confusion and I'm actually very grateful for the amount of feedback I'm getting here. I'll definitely be evaluating ways to clarify what some words do. There are a lot of word combos that just transform you further or lead to alternate "bad endings", though they are some of the most fun. I've replied to another thread with the key one to escaping the farm if you want to look that up.

Really? I've hit kind of a wall where I can't find anything new at 2 words. 

I replied to another comment with the three words needed to actually escape if you want to look that up.  What spells have you found and what, if anything, comes through as the word's meanings? I'm working on clarifying how to broadcast to the player what the words mean, so feedback would be helpful here.

I mean, I only found 2 words and bad ends. And nothing else, even though I've bonked my head against every option. Also, the fact that the save option disappears makes progress difficult.

The save option vanishing should be fixed in the latest version (1.06), so that should help. Additionally, once you've read the book a few times, you'll be able to get more information about what the words do. Hopefully that helps alleviate some of the frustration, but please let me know if you still have trouble and I'll work on a few other things to help out.

(1 edit)

I was only ever able to find two words out in the environment. You found three? Where?

The following is a spoiler, it took me a long time to find the third word:

You have to enter the farmhouse once, then attempt to cross the fields, continue through the wheat, and then wait. After some seconds, text will begin to appear, and then an option will appear that takes you to an encounter where you can get the third word. This encounter will require some trial and error, and is affected by how far you are in your transformation.

No ability to scroll up or down on the page, using chrome.

I'll take a look at this; it's my first time posting through Itch, so I'm still learning how best to present things. Thanks for letting me know.

I have enabled scroll bars, which should rectify this situation. Thanks again for reporting this.